Curriculum & Common Core

Francis Scott Key Elementary/Middle School utilizes the City Schools curriculum and other resources that are directly aligned to the Common Core State Standards.  

FSK Academics

  • Gifted and Advanced Learning Site (GAL)

  • Accelerated Elementary Classes

  • EGATE school -Excellence in Gifted and Talented Education

  • Accredited Pre-Kindergarten

Honors Level Middle School Classes

  • ELA: Above grade level standards

  • Math: Compacted curriculum to take Algebra I in grade 8

  • SS: National History Day/SCI: Science Fair Project

Academic Intervention to Support ALL Learners

  • Small Group Instruction

  • Personalized Learning Programs

  • Lightning Squad Tutors (ELE)

  • Northbay Tutors (MS)

  • Online programming to meet individual learners

  • Student Learning Plans

English Language Arts (ELA)

  • Fundations: Pre-K through 3

  • Heggerty Phonemic Awareness: Pre-K through 2

  • Wit and Wisdom: K through 8

Math: Reveal Math

Elementary Science and Social Studies: Baltimore City Curriculum

Middle School Science: IQWST, Science Fair Project

Middle School Social Studies: Ancient Civilizations and Early US History; National History Day, Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship, Current Events

Resource Classes: Physical Education/Health, Art, Library, Yoga, and Baltimore Choir Project 

Learn more about Maryland Common Core, College and Career-Ready Standards on

Learn more about Common Core from the Common Core State Standards Initiative

The Maryland Comprehensive Assessment Program (MCAP) assessments of Maryland College and Career Ready Standards (MCCRS) will build a pathway to college and career readiness by the end of high school, mark students’ progress toward this goal from grade 3 through high school, and provide teachers with timely information to inform instruction and provide student support.

Learn more about the Maryland Comprehensive Assessment Program (MCAP) (website)