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Nick DAmbrosio
Crystal Cole
Temporary Professional I
Constance Lindsey
Teacher - Elementary
Hester Johnson
Temporary Professional I
Thelma Roland
Custodial Worker I/12 mth
Evie Jeffreys
Teacher - Elementary
Margaret Patrick
Assistant Principal
Tracey Fowlkes
Teacher - Secondary
Jasimon Boyd White
Student Wholeness Specialist
Sandra Dixon
IEP Team Associate
Tere Green
Teacher - Elementary
Natasha Thurmon
Literacy Coach - 12mth
Jolene Williams
Educational Associate/10mth
Taye Rucker
Educational Associate/10mth
Sonya Sanders Murray
Social Worker
Lakisha Anderson
Teacher - Secondary
Karla White
Teacher - Special Education
Battle Pincus
Teacher - Elementary
Joann Fields
Anthony Mastromarino
Teacher - Elementary