Interscholastic Athletics
Graceland Park offers after school athletics to help encourage scholars to become more disciplined and motivated. The main focus is to help scholars in 6th-8th grades work on team building, problem solving, sportsmanship, and locomotion skills. The requirements to participate in athletics are based on grades, attendance, and behavior both in and after school.
Enrichment & Clubs
Y of Central Maryland OST
MCAP Tutoring
Chess Club
Crochet Club
Art Club
Student Government Association
DARE to be Great
Bike Doctor Program
Green Team
Tech Team
Horse Riding Club
Student Wellness Support Team (SWST)
What is SWST?
The student wellness support team (SWST) is made up of a cross-functional team of school-based professionals. The goal of this team is to provide comprehensive social emotional supports to help students succeed in the academic setting. Providers work collaboratively to support students, families, and staff. When additional support is needed, referrals to community resources are made available.
Student Government Association (SGA)
Graceland Park’s SGA purpose is to help students feel like they belong in this school community, to help students find their voice and use it to advocate for the change they want to see in schools.
Graceland Park’s SGA mission and vision is to help students feel like they are a valued member in our school community and to help students find their voice to advocate for change they want to see in the school. Started in 2019-2020, Graceland’s SGA strives to demonstrate our school's theme of P.R.I.D.E. by helping students find their purpose for success, helping students show respect, helping students be involved in innovating ideas for school functions, helping students include each other and show diversity, and helping students recognize what equity means or how they can be equitable.
SGA has led many events for our school and community. One notable example would be our Veteran’s Day celebration that was featured on our local television station WBAL TV 11 News.
The SGA also organized a calendar for Teacher Appreciation Week where all the students would show staff members how much we appreciate their devotion and kindness towards students. Additionally, SGA planned and executed a dance for middle school students. Graceland’s Student Government has taken many grievances to ASCBC meetings to address with the council, with one of the biggest complaints being about school lunch in schools. By advocating for students and their wishes, the process of school lunches is being improved now.
While the work of SGA is a collaborative effort, some of our members embark to further their voice independently. Our current sitting SGA Historian won an award from the Dream Big contest for her essay about the “Importance of Education in Freeing the Mind.”
SY 2024-25 Graceland Park SGA Members:
President: Kaitlyn M. - Grade 8
Vice President: Ana T. - Grade 8
Secretary: Genesis C. - Grade 7
Treasurer: Ashley P. - Grade 8
At Large Representatives: Sarah G., Ryan O., Stefany R.
601 - Keren P., Luis R.
602 - Mia G., Daylin J.
603 -
701 - Anyeli, Genesis R.
702 -
703 - Jennifer, Ricardo
801 -
802 - Anthony P., Khe'Sahn J.
803 - Damari J., Katherine G.