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Monique Johnson
Teacher - Special Education
Jonathan Tribble
Teacher - Elementary
Deborah Williams
Taylor Martin
Paraeducator - Early Literacy Tutor
Naomi Williams
Paraeducator - Early Literacy Tutor
Kristen Brown
Paraeducator - Early Literacy Tutor
Becky Remesch
Teacher - Special Education
Leslie Casey Blake
IEP Team Associate
Camille Greaney
Teacher - Elementary
Sarah Young
Social Worker
Adrienne Shand
Food Services Worker I/6 hrs
Cassandra Bailey
Literacy Coach - 10mth
Janean Brown
Speech Pathologist
Chaun Cheatham
Student Wholeness Specialist
Maia Delogu
Library Media Specialist
Theresa Branch
Manager I - Cafeteria
Shekera Goode
Special Education Paraeducator
Lamont Sutton
Temporary Professional II
Linda Ray
Tanisha Sheppard