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Kevin Wade
Social Worker
Yira Ikpe
Teacher - Elementary
Lydia Yarborough
Teacher - Secondary
Theresa Cherry
School Business Manager
Ken Childs
Teacher - Secondary
Esther Kiffel
SS Related Services Provider II
OT Clark
Teacher - Special Education
James Peterson
Teacher - Elementary
Malcolm Rowe
Assistant Principal
Brianna Salmond
Teacher - Special Education
Carrie Gray
Food Services Worker I/6 hrs
Ara Harris Nole
SS Related Services Provider II
Antar Sims
Teacher - Special Education
Denise Bryan
SS Cafeteria Management
Emily Smith
SS Related Services Provider II
Karen Knight
Teacher - Elementary
Shira Kirshenbaum
SS Related Services Provider II
Karen Mpako Ngosso
Teacher - Elementary
Keyonna Saunders
SS Teacher/Workshop Presenter
Tracy Stephenson
Teacher - Pre-K