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Iyanna Wright
Gelliza Guevarra
Teacher - ESOL
Nicole Palmer
Teacher - Elementary
Cladessa Josephs
Priya Matadin
Teacher - Elementary
Sarah Floyd
Luke Nicholas
Teacher - ESOL
Katie Busch
Teacher - ESOL
MJ Kabay
Teacher - ESOL
Laura Alston
Teacher - Secondary
Andi Doke
Teacher - ESOL
Tishina Matthews
Teacher - Secondary
Lizbeth Velazquez Perez
SS Paraprofessional
Jill Smida Wood
Teacher - Elementary
Sayid Langary
Teacher - ESOL
Linda Schiano Moriello
Occupational Therapist
Kevin Bevacqua
Ines Molina Garcia
Custodial Worker I/12 mth
Victoria Correnti
Teacher - Elementary
Britt Wright
Teacher - Elementary