Baltimore City Public Schools (City Schools) has reached a new 3-year agreement with the Baltimore Teachers Union - Paraprofessionals and School Related Personnel (PSRP) chapter that increases base salaries and adjusts pay scales to add higher maximum levels. 

PSRP employees are the foundation of City Schools and its second-largest staff group, supporting teaching, learning and district operations in various roles from classroom assistants to specialized roles in nearly every Central Office department. Under this new agreement, these employees will receive: 

  • A 3.5-percent increase to their base salaries or a $1,500 increase for the current 2025 fiscal year, whichever is higher 

  • A 3.0-percent increase to their base salaries or a $1,350 increase for the next fiscal year (FY 2026), whichever is higher 

  • Various increases for longevity in FY 2025 and FY 2026 

  • A one-time salary interval increase for having or when receiving an associate’s degree or higher 

  • All 12-month, non-school PSRPs will work 8 hours with a 40-minute paid lunch  


“PSRP employees are critical to the success of our students and schools. They are the backbone of our work, serving in roles with duties that enable our school system to provide the services and supports our young people deserve,” said Dr. Sonja Brookins Santelises, chief executive officer of Baltimore City Public Schools. “This agreement is an investment in their talents, skills, and dedication to our mission while ensuring they are better able to support their families. We are pleased to reach this agreement.” 

The agreement will be considered for ratification by the PRSP membership this month. The Baltimore City Board of Commissioners will then vote on the agreement during its January 28, 2025 meeting.