Academics, Athletics & Arts
At JM, we offer a variety of in-school and after school programs to keep our scholars challenged and lead them to discover their passions.

Boys and Girls Harlem Lacrosse
Boys and Girls Basketball
Boys and Girls Flag Football
Girls Volleyball
Dance Troop
Chill Ski and Snowboarding
Weekly/Monthly Attendance Celebrations
Weekly Community Meetings
Monthly PBIS Incentives
Monthly Student of the Month breakfast
Access Art (Afterschool)
Robotics Club
Chess Club
Coach Class
Springboard Program
Literacy Lab (One to One Tutoring for Pre-K to Third Grade Students)
Catapult Tutoring Project
Book Box
French Foreign Language
Spanish Foreign Language
Cooking Club with Mr. Drabo
University of Maryland Baltimore Pal (Police Activities League) Program
Girl Scouts of Central Maryland
JM Choir