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Christyn Wallace
Teacher - Elementary
Margie Lewis
Teacher - Pre-K
Angelique Bullock
Teacher - Pre-K
Benita Lunn
Special Education Paraeducator
Michael Davis
Teacher - Special Education
Danielle Wagner
Teacher - Special Education
Ashley Hebert
Literacy Coach - 12mth
Samantha Feld
Teacher - Elementary
Soretta Tubman
Teacher - Special Education
Dawn Brice
Paraeducator - Pre K
Raymonda Adams
Social Worker
Michael Canady
Teacher - Elementary
Tonya Turner-Riley
Teacher - Elementary
Cecilia Johnson
Temporary Support III
Erin Brock
Teacher - ESOL
Katrina Brooks
Custodial Worker I/12 mth
Erin Rice
Speech Pathologist
Kellie Knight
Special Education Paraeducator
Olivia Jackson
Office Assistant
Sharon Woods
Educational Associate/10mth