Mount Royal Elementary/Middle School is a Maryland Excellence in Gifted and Talented Education (EGATE) school. For our gifted and talented students, the staff uses a variety of measures to identify and serve students who exhibit an exceptionally high level of performance in one or more subject areas.
What's the difference between Gifted and Advanced?
Gifted learners have ability and achievement scores in the 90th to 99th percentile range (level 5 on PARCC/MCAP in both ELA and math), while advanced learners' scores fall in the 80th to 89th percentile range (level 4 on PARCC/MCAP in both ELA and math).
Do Gifted and Advanced refer only to Academic Ability?
No. Gifted and advanced learners perform or show the potential to perform at high levels academically, artistically, creatively, or in leadership.
How are Gifted and Advanced Learners identified?
All kindergarten students are screened with an ability assessment, and achievement results are monitored throughout the grades. Either the Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test (NNAT3) or the Cognitive Ability Test (CogAT) is used as an initial identifier, and formal identification then includes data from nationally normed achievement assessments in mathematics and reading (e.g., PARCC/MCAP, i-Ready, or the Measure of Academic Progress). City Schools also uses motivation scales (GES-3) and creativity assessments (Torrance) in limited cases when students pre-qualify in only one of the two categories of ability or achievement. While we formally pull out identified GAL students for weekly services, we also take teacher recommendations as well, when space is available.
What about Students who are near the 80th percentile, but not quite there?
City Schools also identify students for talent development when their ability scores exceed the national average but do not yet qualify them as advanced or gifted.
Can my child be screened for Gifted and Advanced Programs
Please complete and submit the online referral form. Staff from the Gifted and Advanced Learning department in the district's Academics Office will review and forward the form to your child's school. You will be notified about the status of the submission at each stage of the process.