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Patricia Wright
Office Assistant
Patricia Burrell
Valencia Gilliard
Teacher - Elementary
Yvonne Pearson
Paraeducator - Pre K
Theresa Pearson
Teacher - Secondary
Rochielle Winborne Moody
Paraeducator - Pre K
Jacqueline Tyson Hope
Shawnda Tyler
Teacher - Pre-K
Carrie Oddis
Social Worker
Gilda Hunt Mable
Kim Barnes
Special Education Paraeducator
Simeon Wharton
Teacher - Secondary
Christine Brittle
Custodial Worker I/12 mth
James Crawford
Temporary Professional I
Tia Hartzog
Teacher - Secondary
Mary Sanchez
Speech Pathologist
Antoinette Williams
Food Services Worker I/8 hrs
Roxanne Irving Ollivierre
Assistant - Non-Instructional/10mth
Kelly Welsh
Guidance Counselor
Denita Johnson
Educational Associate/10mth