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Josh Headley
Teacher - Secondary
John Eugene
Teacher - Secondary
Kate Wickham
Guidance Counselor
Rodney Alford
Teacher - Secondary
John Roach
Assistant - Non-Instructional/10mth
Patrice Frasier
Teacher - Secondary
Michele Harris
Assistant - Non-Instructional/10mth
Marilynn Cohen
Teacher - Special Education
Robert Marinelli
Teacher - Secondary
Matthew Woolston
Assistant Principal
Robyn McGowan Roblin
Teacher - Secondary
Eileen Eldridge
Lily Tittle
Teacher - Secondary
Faheem Hammett
Teacher - Secondary
Roberta Harris
Assistant - Special Education
Kendall Peace
Teacher - Secondary
Mustapha Aziz
Teacher - Secondary
Carla Barrera
Teacher - Secondary
Corinthea Davis
Food Services Worker I/6 hrs
Barbara Demeritte
Food Services Worker I/6 hrs