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Asiya Salihu
Special Education Paraeducator
Yvette Freter
Teacher - Secondary
Sandra Gross
Custodial Worker I/12 mth
Michelle Reese
Teacher - Secondary
Michael Johnson
Hall Monitor
Maribel Johnson
Teacher - ESOL
Naya Cokley
Daniel Cheatham
Custodial Worker I/12 mth
Montray Tillman
Annette Robinson Ali
Teacher - Elementary
Trinae Jones
SS Lead Teacher
Linda Thomas
Teacher - Elementary
Kaniya Eppes
NaKae Chance
SS Paraprofessional
Lawrence Ashworth
Assistant Principal
Pamela Johnson
Teacher - Special Education
Wendy Friend
Teacher - Elementary
Kendra Lewis
Temporary Professional I
Jan Waddell
Teacher - Pre-K
Jenine DeJesus
SS Food Services Worker/Driver