

At The Stadium School, students receive first-rate literacy instruction from an empowered and enthusiastic group of educators. Our team fosters strong writing and reading comprehension skills through the **Wit and Wisdom Curriculum**, preparing students for success in the MCAP testing ELA domains, including reading literature, informational texts, vocabulary, and both written conventions and expression.

ELA educators ensure that students have ample opportunities to discuss their learning and practice vocabulary skills, ultimately enabling them to produce written responses that reflect their thinking in a supportive environment. Each grade level engages with seminal texts in each module of Wit and Wisdom, exploring their inner and outer worlds and connecting with diverse cultures through literary fiction, artwork analysis, and informational texts.



The Stadium School offers high-quality, grade-appropriate math content through **Eureka Math**, utilizing differentiated and equitable activities tailored to meet the diverse needs of our learners. Our math team collaborates to deliver effective instruction through whole-group teaching and differentiated small-group activities. Students receive daily personalized learning that addresses their individual goals through remedial or enrichment lessons.

In their middle school journey, students will start with concepts such as ratios, unit rates, division of fractions, rational numbers, expressions, equations, and geometry related to area and surface area. Seventh graders will build on these foundational skills, exploring percent, proportional relationships, statistics, and probability. Eighth graders will extend their understanding to integer exponents, congruence, linear equations, functions, and an introduction to irrational numbers through geometry.

Throughout middle school, learners will apply their content knowledge and be assessed in key domains: Number and Operations, Algebraic Thinking, Measurement and Data, and Geometry.


Social Studies

Our scholars utilize the **Baltimore City Schools Curriculum** alongside the **B'More Me Curriculum**. Sixth and seventh graders study **World Geography & Cultures 1 and 2**, while eighth graders delve into **United States History Part 1: Colonization-Post-Reconstruction Industrialization & Expansion (1607-1890)**.



Science invites exploration and inquiry. Questions such as "What is science?" and "How do we explore the scientific processes around us?" guide our learning. At The Stadium School, we offer an engaging science curriculum using **IQWST**, covering Earth Science, Life Science, Chemistry, and Physics. Throughout the 2024-2025 school year, students will engage in guided instruction and project-based learning, focusing on four main domains (one per quarter) and assessed at the end of each quarter to prepare for the MISA state-required assessment in the third quarter.


We are dedicated to providing our students with a rich and supportive educational experience, preparing them for academic success and personal growth. Thank you for being a part of our vibrant learning community!