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Melissa Rosenbaum
Lauren Brown
Angela Tamberrino
Speech Pathologist
Dee Summers
Teacher - Elementary
Maria Mitchell
Lashawn Brooks
IEP Team Associate
Wyhaleer Cook
Custodial Worker I/12 mth
Janet Botto
Myell Bunn Williams
Teacher - Elementary
Kelley Taylor
Teacher - Elementary
Theresa Hughes Gladden
Assistant - Non-Instructional/10mth
James Pressley
Teacher - Elementary
Cardene Sterling
Teacher - Special Education
Allen Cuffia
Teacher - Special Education
Sierra Chase
Educational Associate/10mth
Kianga McKinney
Literacy Coach - 12mth
Anita Franklin
Food Services Worker I/6 hrs
Tiarra Zollicoffer
Educational Associate/10mth
Delvon Marshall
Manager I - Cafeteria
Misha Johnson
Assistant Principal