Enrichment and Support

Wellness and Support

Welcome to the Vivient T. Thomas Wellness Team Page

Mr. Parham - Wholeness Specialist

Mr. Parham - Wholeness Specialist

My mission is to provide consistent lessons and practices in Social-Emotional learning to students with the skills necessary to successfully navigate the challenges of school and life. In addition to my role as Student Wholeness Specialist, I serve as the Lead for our Student Wellness Team whose mission is to is to make sure that our students are well.

Contact information: Email Mr. Parham

Ms. Chein - Social Worker

Ms. Chein - Social Worker

Welcome to the Vivien T. Thomas Medical Arts Academy Family! I am the School Social Worker and 504 Chair. I practice from a trauma-informed, culturally sensitive lens and base connections on a foundation of empathy and empowerment. I believe in cultivating a warm and compassionate environment where students can thrive.  I am in the building Monday through Friday.

Please feel free to contact me at Email Ms. Chein - Social Worker

Ms. Courtright - School Psychologist

Ms. Courtright - School Psychologist

Hello! This is my 16th year working in Baltimore City Schools and I am so happy to be working with your students. High school is a exciting but stressful time for students with lots of changes and increased expectations.  My role at VTTMAA is to help support our students with their social, emotional, behavioral, and academic needs. One way I do this is by providing short-term, solution-focused counseling interventions to students and aiding parents in the process of obtaining support within the community for more ongoing counseling needs.  I also  work closely with our IEP  and 504 teams to identify and support students who may need instructional modifications and/or accommodations.

I serve multiple schools and am best reached through e-mail at Email Ms. Courtright - School Psychologist 

Ms. Noll - Social Worker, University of Maryland

Ms. Noll - Social Worker, University of Maryland

Hello, Viv Fam! I am a social worker from the University of Maryland School Mental Health Program (SMHP) and this is my second year working with the Wellness Team at Vivien T. The SMHP team includes Dr. Rida Malick, a psychiatry fellow who can do evaluations/consultations and provide medication management for students as needed. I also offer presentations and other activities at school to help raise awareness of mental health issues and connect students with resources. It’s okay to not be okay- and it’s important to ask for support when you need it!  I’m in the building on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Please contact me at: Email Ms. Noll - Social Worker, University of Maryland

Mrs. Smith- School Counselor

Mrs. Smith - School Counselor

As the school counselor, my mission is to provide scheduling and academic support to ensure students are on track to graduation.  As an active restorative practitioner, my response and mindset to any social-emotional needs is to work with the students, not to or for them.