July 16, 2024
Dear Yorkwood Elementary School Parents, Guardians, and Caregivers,
Welcome back to school year 2024-2025! We hope you are enjoying your summer and staying cool! We are preparing to have our scholars back in our classrooms, hallways, and other learning spaces exhibiting a spirit of excellence, respect, and a love for learning. We are tasked with ensuring each child feels welcomed, connected to our school community, and challenged to meet the grade level expectations in all core subject areas. Our staff is committed to: teaching the grade level curriculum, analyzing data to determine instructional next steps, setting goals for student growth, supporting students’ social and emotional well-being, and communicating student progress to students and families throughout the year. We believe all children can learn, at high levels, when provided with the appropriate supports (grade level instruction, academic interventions, attendance supports, extra-curricular activities, gifted and advanced services).
As we prepare to reopen school on Monday, August 26, 2024, your trust, engagement, and partnership will be critical to the success of our scholars. It is our collective responsibility to provide a safe, orderly, supportive, welcoming, and equitable learning environment for all students.
Please review the contents of this letter for details regarding opening and other important information to prepare for school year 2024-2025!
It is also extremely important that we hold attendance in high regard to ensure our scholars receive the instruction, learning experiences and opportunities they deserve. There is a high correlation between good attendance and good student achievement outcomes. We must send a clear message that coming to school every day, on time, and remaining in school for the full day is a priority! Our schoolwide goals, in the area of attendance are:
-to increase all grade level daily and monthly attendance rates to 95%.
-increase the number of scholars who have perfect and good attendance (no more than 5 days absent) to 75% of students.
-decrease the number of chronically absent students (those missing on average more than 2 days a month or a total of 18 days or more for the school year) from 34% to 15% or less.
-have at least 90% of our scholars attending school for at least 165 days of the 180 days for school year 2024-2025.
-decrease the percentage of students reporting to school late and/or leaving school early.
***Yorkwood will be adopting a new early dismissal policy for school year 2024-2025. When students leave school early, they miss important instruction. Additionally, early dismissals pose a distraction to instruction and overload the management of the main office at one of the most critical times of the day. We expect to call classrooms for early dismissals in emergency situations only. Based on the feedback we received, we will honor early dismissals with a note, if the emergency situation is known in advance. For the safety and monitoring of students and visitors, early dismissals will not be honored after 2:00 pm. If you have an extenuating circumstance, with regard to early dismissals, please request a conference with the Principal.
We need your full support to make these ambitious goals happen. Stay tuned for more information about attendance and why it matters!
Your Feedback and Contributions Matter-
As stakeholders and partners in this work, your engagement, feedback, and support are welcomed, strongly encouraged, and needed. We worked hard to include many of the recommendations we received during our June 3, 2024 Community Meeting into our programming for school year 2024-2025.
School Schedule-
The instructional day begins at 7:45 am and will end at 2:15 pm. For safety reasons, students should not be left unattended on school property prior to 7:35 am or after 2:25 pm.
-Doors will open daily at 7:35 am
-Breakfast will be served from 7:35 am to 7:50 am
-Teachers receive students from the auditorium at 7:45 am
-Instruction begins at 8:00 am
-Students will be marked late at 8:05 am
-Dismissal begins at 2:10 for grades Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten (please see details below)
-Dismissal begins at 2:15 pm for grades 1-5- (walkers, car riders and parent pickups will dismiss at 2:15 pm, bus riders will dismiss immediately following). Each family is asked to complete the “How Am I Going Home?” document in the link below for each child by Friday, August 2, 2024. Please click Control + link to access the link:
Link for How Am I Going Home Form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfbBLpTf5npBXW-fm9LEHzpZGVaYIia-y07ik6nQGYAf0aQ_w/viewform?usp=sf_link
Baltimore City Public Schools provides transportation for students who meet the criteria for door-to-door service or corner-to-corner service. Please complete the link for “How Am I Going Home?” (open the hyperlink) for each child who will ride the bus to and/or from school this year. All students, who intend to ride the bus, must be registered in the district’s system to be able to ride the bus. Please complete the form via the link above by Friday, August 2, 2024 so your child can ride the bus on the first day of school.
First Day of School Entry/Morning Drop Off -
On the first day of school, students will report to the front of the building and line up next to the signs indicating their grade level/class. Parking is a challenge at our school, we have limited parking in the lot for staff and we are only allowed to park on the right side of the alley way, as spaces are available, leading to the school. We suggest that you park on Yorkwood Road (at the top of the block exiting the school grounds) and walk down, should you plan to bring your child to school on the first day. Parents/guardians should NOT park in the loop in front of the school (mornings) or alongside the homeowners’ fences (mornings or during afternoon dismissal). We want to be respectful of our community and their property. The loop area is designated for school buses only in the mornings.
First Day of School Closing/End of Day/Dismissal Procedures-
Parents and guardians may park in the loop, in front of the school, during dismissal only. The loop is open for parent/guardian pick up from 1:45- 2:20 pm. The loop will be cleared of all cars daily at 2:20 pm to allow for the school buses to enter the loop to receive our bus riders. After 2:20 pm, parents/guardians picking up students will have to park in the parking lot and walk to the front of the school to receive their child(ren). If your child is designated as a parent/adult pick up, please arrive before 2:20 pm or you may be delayed in receiving your child(ren) until after the school buses have boarded and left the school property.
Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten Only- Guardians are required to sign students out daily so parents/guardians must park and enter the building to receive their child(ren). Families should follow the direction of the staff member, in the lobby area, assigned to support the pre-kindergarten and kindergarten guardian pick up process. Pre-K and Kindergarten parents/guardians will be allowed to receive students at 2:10 pm daily. As a safety measure, we ask Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten families to exit out of the identified doors (end of the long hallway) once they have received their scholar(s). We want to ensure the hallways are clear for the dismissal of students in grades 1-5. Please follow the direction of the staff identified to assist Pre-K and Kindergarten families on exiting the school building.
Parents/Guardians of students in grades 1-5- Parents and guardians will remain outside in the front of the school (near the awning/front area) to receive their scholars (parent pick- ups and car riders). Teachers and students will begin exiting the building at 2:15 pm. You should look for your child’s identified area and teacher to receive them.
All Visitors-
All visitors MUST enter the building through the front of the school and report to the Main Office for check in/sign-in. Visitors are required to present their state-issued identification, to the Main Office staff, upon entering the building and ensure their pass is visible throughout the visit.
Parent/Guardian Requests to Visit Classrooms-
If a parent/guardian would like to visit their child’s classroom, district protocols require the main office to advise the teacher of the visit. Visits can be held up to one hour in length. The request for a visit longer than 1 hour requires additional permission, per Baltimore City Public Schools, please ask to see an administrator. This protocol will be detailed in the Yorkwood Parent Handbook. Visitors should follow the schoolwide expectations of courtesy and respect at all times and refrain from talking to students while visiting. Parents/guardians may only speak to their child(ren) during the visit.
Teachers are prohibited from holding conferences to discuss student progress during parent/guardian visits as their attention MUST be on supervising and teaching students! We ask that our teachers’ full attention remain on students during instruction to ensure their safety. We thank you, in advance, for supporting this request of our teaching staff. If a parent would like to discuss their child’s progress, please schedule a conference with your child’s teacher. Teachers will share their conference schedules with families during Back to School Night. Again, we encourage parent and teacher conferences; however, they must be scheduled. Thank you, in advance, for adhering to these safety and privacy protocols.
We are a uniform school. Students are expected to wear their uniforms each day, unless there is an out of uniform day (ex. Purple Friday, Yorkwood Day, College Awareness Day, etc…) The uniform options are khaki bottoms (pants, skirts, shorts or skorts) and red tops. Uniforms may be purchased at Walmart, Target, Burlington or Old Navy.
The supply list is attached to this communication. Supplies should be replenished as needed. In addition to the supplies requested on the Grade Level Supply List, all students should bring their district-issued devices (with chargers) to school each day, fully charged. Students will be assigned personalized learning tasks during the school day and home assignment tasks. Please ensure your child charges their device each night. Students should also bring their headphones/headsets/earbuds, as requested from their supply list, each day.
Link to Supply List: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yS4KkagR_uSaDwjiuq_xrmqgxitXhwDW/view?usp=sharing
Students entering Baltimore City Public Schools, this fall, will receive a district-issued device. Our technology team will provide guidance to new families regarding the process of securing a device upon our return to school. If your child is transferring from another Baltimore City Public School, they should bring their previously issued device.
Magic Minds Aftercare Program-
Aftercare services are provided by Magic Minds, Inc. from 2:15 pm until 5:30 pm on all regular school days. Please see the attached flyer and link below (hit Control and click the link).
Link to Magic Minds Afterschool Flyer: http://www.m2inc.info/before-and-aftercare-.html
District Initiative(s)- Annual Student Verification-
All families will be asked to complete a mandatory registration process for students enrolled in Baltimore City Public Schools named, Annual Student Verification. This verification process will begin in August and conclude at the end of September. We will share more information as it becomes available to us. Please see information below, from our district, regarding this process.
What is Annual Student Verification?
Annual Student Verification is the mandatory registration process for families currently enrolled in Baltimore City Public Schools. By using Campus Portal, families will be able to verify and update their student(s) household/demographic information, update or add emergency contacts, and receive immediate access to important back-to-school documents such as the annual Family Guide, Student Code of Conduct, Media Opt-out Form, and much more. Completing the Annual Student Verification process will officially confirm a student's registration and assure them a seat and schedule at their respective school.
Who completes the Annual Student Verification?
Only the legal parent/guardian that has an active Campus Portal account for a student currently enrolled in a Baltimore City school can complete Annual Student Verification. The process can be completed using a mobile/computer device.
What are the benefits of Annual Student Verification?
• A more convenient and efficient way for families to update their address and household information
• Can be submitted anytime on any mobile device with internet access
• Only one application is needed for a household even if students attend different schools
• Form can be completed in stages
• Provides a consistent parent registration experience
• Families enter all the information
Why Annual Student Verification?
This annual initiative will support City Schools’ alignment with MSDE reporting requirements regarding students’ Geolocation IDs; aligns with City Schools’ efforts to increase the dual capacity-building framework for family school partnerships, and significantly improves the quality of data maintenance and collection.
Other District Initiatives-
Stay tuned! Baltimore City Public Schools has adopted a new dress code policy for students. We will provide more information in our handbook.
Yorkwood Important Dates-
New Parent Orientation- Friday, August 23, 2024 at 11:00- 11:45 am (in person event)
Sneak a Peek at Your Seat- Friday, August 23, 2024 from 12:00-1:00 pm (in person event)
First Day of School- Monday, August 26, 2024
Labor Day (Schools Closed)- Monday, September 2, 2024
Back to School Night- Thursday, September 5, 2024- 6:00-7:00 pm (in person event)
*Our school calendar will be sent in a subsequent email.
School Communication Strategy-
Two-way communication between the home and school is important! The communication of students’ goals, progress, and school events will be communicated throughout the school year. The communication strategy resources are: Campus Portal, Class Dojo, Yorkwood Elementary School website, email, Facebook, Instagram, Student Learning Plans, newsletters, and phone calls, as needed.
Yorkwood website address- https://www.baltimorecityschools.org/o/Yorkwood/
We ask that you sign up for Campus Portal to be able to view your child’s grades, progress towards standards, and attendance. Please see the attachment, How to Access Campus Portal, if you need assistance with accessing the portal.
Each teacher will invite their families to sign up for Class Dojo to receive on-going communication from the grade level teacher(s). Additionally, please follow us on Facebook (@YorkwoodES) and Instagram (@Yorkwood219) for up to the minute information. Parents/guardians will receive bi-weekly school communications, via email, so please ensure the main office has your correct email on file. If you do not receive regular emails, please contact the main office immediately.
Your child’s teacher will be accessible via parent conferences, email, and telephone throughout the school year to discuss student progress, Student Learning Plans, and ways to support your child(ren) at home. Teachers will share their emails and other modes for communication with parents at the beginning of the school year.
If you have an inquiry, please email us at Yorkwoodparent@bcps.k12.md.us or you may email your child’s teacher directly once the school year begins. We ask that you allow 24-48 hours for a response as inquiries will be addressed in the order they are received.
In closing, once again, welcome back! Please stay tuned for more information as we approach the beginning of the school year. Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram and Facebook. Let’s make this another great year! We look forward to seeing you on Monday, August 26, 2024.
Tonya Redd
Tonya Redd, Principal