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Toby Berryman
Building Maintenance Worker II
Maurice Mc Koy
Staff Specialist - Attendance
Donnae Bushrod
Director - Academic Support & Strategy
Nathan Warren
School Police Sergeant
Gloria Mitchell
Temporary Professional I
Kyle Lewis
Teacher - Substitute Emergency
Sheila Ebert
Customer Support Specialist III-Judy Center
Tadem Daniels
Senior Principal Coach
Arthur Satti
Coordinator - Literacy
Stacey Davis
Coordinator - Instructional Technology
Karen Poole
Aide - School Bus 12 month
Steve Listopad
Database Administrator IV
John Bullock
MTSS Liaison
Raymond Casey
Temporary Professional III
Cheryl Mc Fadden
School Police Officer II
Kenya Britt
Educational Associate 12mth - Virtual Secondary Math
Beverly Brown
Coordinator - Related Services
Linda Campbell Simrel
Teacher - Substitute Emergency
Laxma Kuturu
Applications Developer IV
Joe McLendon
Supervisor - Grounds