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Chukwuma Okpala
Auditor II
Keysha Goodwin
Yojinde Paxton
Educational Specialist II - Parent Response Unit
William Clark
Teacher - Substitute Emergency
Christine Thomas
Senior Assistant - Legal Department
Richard Thomas
Teacher - Substitute Emergency
Claudia Meekins
School Police Officer II
Paul Holland
Teacher - ESOL
Ruby Gamble
Teacher - Substitute Emergency
Zina Chew
Aide - School Bus
Tiffany Braxton
Special Education Paraeducator
Timothy Gross
School Police Sergeant
Charles Weaver
Specialist - Accounting
Denise Lee
Custodial Worker I/12 mth
Lisa Webster Randall
Teacher - Substitute Emergency
Sherman Crowder
School Police Officer II
Lashon Kelly
School Police Officer II
James Johnson
School Police Sergeant
Tyrone Prout
School Police Corporal
Nakiki Haynie
Supervisor - Transportation