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Stefanie Green
Samuel Chavez
John Shock
Educational Specialist II - Parent Response Unit
Angela Carrington
Analyst - Data Third Party Billing
Kennedy Patterson
Niya Spencer
Staff Specialist - Administrative Services
Ketia Stokes
Director - Student Wholeness
Kelvin Moore
Building Maintenance Worker II
Victoria Parrish
Specialist - New Initiatives
Kimberlie Richardson
Educational Specialist II - School Counseling
Renee Ervin
Walter Cheatham
Teacher - Substitute Emergency
James Pack
Teacher - Substitute Emergency
Mark Farley
Driver II - School Bus 10 month
Joanna Johnson
Teacher - Substitute Emergency
Doreen Andrews
Teacher - Substitute Emergency
Quiana Johnson
Auditor III
Stacy Raine
Specialist - Payroll
Kevin Thomas
Applications Developer IV
Mary Alston
Assistant III - Accounting