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Karla Serrano
Educational Associate 10 mth - Title I ESOL
Geoffrey Meehle
Coordinator - Health & PE
Stacy Rowlett
Manager - Grants, Procurement & Inventory
Claudette Duhaney
Teacher - Substitute Emergency
Timmeeka Pettus
Driver II - School Bus 10 month
Carolyn Razon-Fernandez
Educational Specialist II - Instructional Leadership
Jeffrey Young Young
Renell Blackwell
Teacher - Substitute Emergency
Shandra Worthy Owens
Coordinator - Special Education Support
Tyrone Gillis
Driver II - School Bus
Jim Brennan
Executive Assistant
Kirk Bridgeforth
Teacher - Substitute Emergency
Florence Day
Teacher - Substitute Emergency
Roberta Butler
Teacher - Substitute Emergency
Jacinta Brown Hughes
Director - Transportation Services
Silas Price
Teacher - Substitute Emergency
Michelle Jennings
Specialist - Payroll
Terry Boyce
School Police Communication Officer
Rodney Gray
Driver II - School Bus
Alyse Pryor
Systems Administrator II - Customer Service Care