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Betsy Decker
Educational Associate/12mth
Josh Portnoy
Analyst III - Budget
Kwame Abdul-Hamid
Temporary Support III
Diane Mckelvey
Special Education Liaison
Nicole Funk
Jalima Alicea
Executive Director - Teaching & Learning
Kevin Thomas
Operator I - Vehicle Equipment
Kevin Okun
Educational Associate 10 month - ESOL
Tonya Scott
Coordinating Teacher - Judy Center
Jen Glover Falkler
Educational Associate/10mth
Yovanni Markland
Educational Specialist II - World & Classical Languages
Maxine Davis
Teacher - Substitute Emergency
Keith McCaskill
School Police Officer II
Molly Giganti
Adena Jurkowitz
Maria Fratangelo
Speech Pathologist
Scott Johnson
Community School Site Specialist
William Wolfe
Terri Lesesane
Manager - Regional Cafeteria 12M
Gregory Thompson
Supervisor - School Project