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Emma Gersten
Coordinator - Due Process & Special Education Parent Response Unit
Dianne Harbin
Special Education Liaison
Patricia Otway Drummond
MTSS Liaison
Rob Glotfelty
Educational Specialist II - Academics
Anthony Pena
Director - Building Maintenance & Inspections
Shanneeka Greene
School Police Communication Officer
Ranada Parker
Office Assistant
Rachel Pfeifer
Executive Director - Academics
Kenya Hall-Phyall
School Police Corporal
Terry Guy
Manager - Technology
Angela Kessler Henry
Teacher - Elementary
Vanessa Stone
Director - Family Engagement
Tonisha Montgomery
Coordinator - Athletic
Dawnyell Snyder
Mahmood Syed
Coordinator - Related Services
Meghan McCormack
Occupational Therapist
Natalie LaBarr
Educational Associate 10 month - ESOL
Jessica Henkin
Coordinator - Early Learning Programs
Valerie Hill
Joakima Sierra
Community School Site Specialist