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Delilah Holmes
Academic Content Liaison - Mathematics
Angela Klinger
Educational Associate 10 mth - Title I ESOL
Hannah Gorton
Educational Associate 10 month - ESOL
Garry Atkinson
Compliance Analyst - Fair Practices & Title IX Compliance
Jay Watty
Driver - Motor Vehicle
Noah Bers
Specialist - Food & Nutrition
Esti Robinson
Katie Ketterer
Educational Specialist II - Health & Physical Education
Christian Lorenzo
Educational Specialist II - School Counseling
Anthony Simmons
Mailroom Assistant - Senior
Kitt Repass
Whitney Jones
Temporary Professional II
Chris Fekos
Brittany McKee
Markel Griffin
Lead Technician - Facilties
Sarah Amburn
Kelley Brown
Educational Specialist II - Schoology
Charlene Smith
Teacher - Substitute Emergency
Zamalia Bennett
Teacher - Substitute Emergency
Michael Cartwright
Teacher - Substitute Emergency