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Vanessa Cheng
Rebecca Cuellar
Teacher - Substitute Emergency
Justyn Epps
Driver - Motor Vehicle
Melissa Devlin
Educational Specialist II - Science 6-8
Theolinda Morgan
Teacher - Substitute Emergency
Sherry Beaulieu
Educational Specialist II - IEP Creation & Compliance
Katie Meath
Academic Content Liaison - Literacy
Theresa Jones
Chief Achievement & Accountability Officer
Judah Landzberg
Natalia Bacchus
Carey Haberman
Social Worker
Christine Evans
Speech Pathologist
Jewel Longoria
Educational Associate 10 mth - Title I ESOL
Heather Tabay
Speech Pathologist
Jenn Leauby
Speech Pathologist
Annetionette Ware
Teacher - Substitute Emergency
Lakisha Venzen-Hall
Educational Specialist II - Discipline
Robert Rhodes
Social Worker
Sean Bailey
Educational Specialist II - Accelerated Learning & Tutoring
Stephanie Popescu