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Rasheed Ragin
Architect/Engineer II - FPM
Shantell Jones
Aide - School Bus
Corey Henderson
Lead Technician - Facilties
Edward Vann
Lead Technician - Facilties
Eleanor Farley
Teacher - Substitute Emergency
Britney Elvin
Teacher - Substitute Emergency
Darnell Penn
Teacher - Substitute Emergency
Courtenay Desabaye
Executive Director - Financial Systems & Operations
Ashley Lawrence
Coordinating Teacher - Judy Center
Brandi Tarkovsky
Educational Associate/10mth
Carlas Black
Lead Technician - Grounds
Bret Wolgamuth
Jeff Nelson
Manager - Building Automated Systems (BAS)
Michael McBride
Director - Design
Molly Davy
Educational Associate 12 month - ESOL
Melissa Thompson
Terry McKoy
IEP Team Associate
Jason Lewis
Manager - School Operations Support
Sandy Miles
Emma OGrady
Social Worker