AG's ESOL Programming
Information for our 24-25 school year and our enhanced programming is coming soon!
Academic Policies

Armistead Gardens Quarterly Awards
At the end of first, second, and third quarters, AG will celebrate student success! The awards that are distributed during these ceremonies are described below. The dates for the ceremonies will be announced as early as possible here as well as on Class Dojo.
If you have any questions about awards or the ceremonies, please use Class Dojo to reach out to your student's teacher.
Principal's Honor Roll
Students who win this prestigious award maintained all As or Es in their classes depending on their grade level. This is the highest academic achievement at Armistead Gardens!
Honor Roll
Students who win this outstanding award maintained all As and Bs or Es and Ss depending on their grade level. This is an outstanding accomplishment!
Most Improved
Students chosen for this award demonstrated an unwavering commitment to their own improvement. This is often a teacher's favorite award to give! These students worked hard, tried hard, and never gave up!
Owl T.A.G.S.
Students chosen for this award demonstrate outstanding character. This award celebrates their Trustworthiness, Achievement, Generosity, and Safety!
City Schools Perfect Attendance
This award is for students who didn't miss any days during the quarter, but may have had a late arrival or early dismissal.
AG's Elite Attendance
This award is for students who didn't miss any days during the quarter and did not have any late arrivals or early dismissals.