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Tia Berry
Teacher - Vocational
Darnell Ranson
Teacher - Special Education
Michael Russell
Temporary Professional I
Jai Lewis
Student Wholeness Specialist
Jose Vasquez
Teacher - Secondary
Mervat Hussain
Teacher - Secondary
Chanelle Thomas
Teacher - Special Education
Richard Tripplin
Special Education Paraeducator
April Zollicoffer
Special Education Paraeducator
Aquilla Mitchell
Teacher - Secondary
Jesse Masinter
Teacher - Secondary
Michael Terebey
Teacher - Secondary
Mollie Westbrook
Teacher - Secondary
Paul Tolliver
Teacher - Special Education
Migao Cooper
Student Wholeness Specialist
Joyce Edwards
Special Education Paraeducator
Tavon Terry
Temporary Professional II
Dwayne Madison
Staff Specialist - Post Secondary Advising
Johnnitta Fagans Redman
Teacher - Special Education
Nazje Norton
Teacher - Special Education