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Eulalia Lofton
Special Education Paraeducator
Allegra Mason
Special Education Paraeducator
Leslie Diaz
Educational Associate/12mth
Gabrielle Hall
Teacher - Elementary
Liz Reedt
Teacher - Elementary
Juliana Powell
Teacher - Special Education
Jessica Birden
Special Education Paraeducator
Jennifer Bailey
Teacher - Special Education
Victoria Genovese
Speech Pathologist
Genna McFarland
Teacher - Special Education
Nadine Gardenswartz
Physical Therapist
Angela Dumouchelle
Speech Pathologist
Latoya Lewis
Marilyn Cortez
Teacher - Special Education
Luningning Padrique
SS Teacher/Workshop Presenter
Anita Conchina
SS Teacher/Workshop Presenter
Lilin Yang
Library Media Specialist
Carole Wilson
Special Education Paraeducator
Susan Marker
Sara Eckard
Teacher - Elementary