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Carole Menetrez
Social Worker
Muriel Victor
Literacy Coach - 10mth
Stephen Frederick
Teacher - ESOL
Josephine Rivera
Custodial Worker I/12 mth
Christa Horin
Richard Walker
Temporary Support III
Kelly OBrien
Teacher - Staff Developer
Ted Smith
Teacher - Secondary
Damon Bomar
Educational Associate/10mth
Keith Simmons
Hall Monitor
Deborah Knowles
Assistant - Non-Instructional/10mth
Alan Febres
Staff Associate/10mth
Linda Mc Pherson
Assistant - Special Education
Roberta Green
Custodial Worker I/12 mth
Harry Martin
Teacher - Staff Developer
Carol Brett
Teacher - Vocational
Robin Brown
Karen Jones-Irby
Assistant - Non-Instructional/10mth
Consuelo Thompson
Special Education Paraeducator
Genee Green
Educational Associate/10mth