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Lorraine Wallace
Assistant Principal
Kristine Gaither
Arlena Brooks
Special Education Paraeducator
Jerome Sumah
Teacher - Secondary
Margot Harris
Educational Associate 10 month - ESOL
Laverne Taylor
Manager II - Cafeteria
Max Alukwu
Assistant Principal
Grace Gichema
Teacher - Secondary
Gerrard Allen
Coordinator - 9th Grade on Track to Graduate
Rochelle Randolph Seward
Educational Associate/10mth
Ericka Edwards
Teacher - Secondary
Gary Antoine
Teacher - Special Education
April Myrick
Alisha Marchewka
Teacher - Secondary
Suzanne Blum
Teacher - Secondary
Leilani Jones
Teacher - Secondary
Rowena Edrolin
Teacher - Special Education
Oedipa Torregoza
Educational Associate/10mth
Danielle Williams
Teacher - Secondary
Tara Pintabona
Teacher - Vocational