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Angelica Schwallenberg
Teacher - Special Education
Tiearre Tiller-Howard
Jeanette Davis
Staff Associate/12mth
Kelley Bagdasarian
Staff Associate/10mth
Michael Pesa
Teacher - Secondary
Alvarine Harrison
Teacher - Special Education
Carmen Jaen-Paniza
Teacher - ESOL
Nichola Katsimpiris Wallace
Teacher - Secondary
Yanira Sanchez Walker
Teacher - Vocational
Valbona Masati
Teacher - Secondary
Vincent Tola
Teacher - ESOL
Terence Cox
School Business Manager
Tosha Morgan
Educational Associate/10mth
Edwin Lopez Vasquez
Staff Associate/10mth
Sylvester Onyemeziem
Teacher - Secondary
Darrick Oliver
Temporary Professional II
Michelle Mahoney
Teacher - Secondary
Susan Hade
Teacher - ESOL
Elwood Townsend
Staff Associate/10mth
Shannon McKenna
Educational Associate/10mth