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Porshia Seymour
Teacher - Vocational
Agnes Bell Wetteroth
Teacher - ESOL
Jim Ritter
Teacher - Secondary
Dahlia McKitty Jackson
Teacher - Secondary
Jeffrey Kersey
Student Wholeness Specialist
Katrina Carroll
Social Worker
Divya Sachdeva
Teacher - Secondary
Sharrina Tucker
Teacher - Vocational
Victor Underwood
Food Services Worker I/6 hrs
Catherine Ritter
Teacher - Secondary
Cole Bishop
Assistant Principal
Regina Johnson
Food Services Worker I/8 hrs
Monica Perez
Paraeducator - ESOL
Therron Fowler
Temporary Professional III
Thomas Outing
Teacher - Secondary
Angela Bethea
Teacher - Vocational
Bill York
Instructor - Air Force Aerospace Science JROTC
Kody Prince
IEP Team Associate
Jelytza Padro
Teacher - Secondary
Jamar Guy
Teacher - Secondary