Virtual Learning

As of February 7th we have one more snow day. After that day we will go to virtual learning if there are any more snow days. Please check your dojo messages for more information from your child's teacher.

City Schools uses Zoom and Google Classroom to support virtual learning when students cannot attend class in person, such as in inclement weather. Zoom is used for live synchronous instruction, and Google Classroom hosts class assignments and resources.

Immigration Information

Updated on January 21, 2025

We are aware of the rising concerns and anxieties within our community stemming from national discussions around immigration and enforcement. We understand that these are not just policy debates but deeply personal issues that can create uncertainty and fear for many families. 

Our schools will always be welcoming spaces where every child—regardless of immigration status—is valued, respected, and supported. Providing safe, inclusive, and affirming learning environments is one of our most important responsibilities. These efforts support the success of our students academically, socially, and emotionally.

To access Immigration resources click on the link.

Student Resources

Baltimore City Public Schools Code of Conduct

At John Ruhrah we follow the Baltimore City Public Schools Code of Conduct. The Code of Conduct lays out expectations for the positive management of student behavior and the responses when a student acts inappropriately or causes harm. 

When the atmosphere and "feel" of a school are positive, that school becomes a place that students, staff, families, and community members want to be — and where teaching and learning can thrive. All members of a school community have a role to play in creating that kind of atmosphere in a school, and all should have shared expectations about positive behavior.

The Baltimore City Public Schools Code of Conduct was written in accordance with the policies of the Baltimore City Board of School Commissioners, CEO administrative regulations, and Maryland law and regulations, with input from members of the City Schools community. 

Budget Survey! Please Complete

Parents and community members, please take a moment to complete the 25-26 budget priority survey.  We value your input. Use the link or QR code to provide input on FY26 Priorities.


Padres y miembros de la comunidad tómense un momento para completar la encuesta de prioridad presupuestaria 25-26.  Valoramos su opinión.  Utilice el enlace o el código QR para brindar información sobre las prioridades del AF26.


Spanish Survey

Spanish Code of conduct

Spanish Version of Baltimore City's Code of Conduct

English Code of conduct

English Version of Baltimore City's Code of Conduct

John Ruhrah Handbooks

Middle School Handbook

Middle School Student Handbook 24-25

Dress Code


Uniforms PK-5

Khaki Bottoms/ Navy Shirt

Uniforms 6-8

Khaki Bottoms/Black Shirt

Baltimore City

Dress Code

English Version


Spanish dresscode

Parent Resources

The Judy Center At John Ruhrah

Helps prepare children and families for success in school and life. Some services include

  • adult education,

  • parenting classes,

  • health, and early intervention screenings

  • playgroups and family activities

  • Professional development available for early childhood educators

  • Community outreach

Community Schools - Southeast CDC

Southeast CDC partners with John Ruhrah Elementary Middle School and promotes healthy, vibrant, diverse communities in Southeast Baltimore through creative community development projects and proven programs.

For more information and resources, click here

Campus Portal

Create a Campus Portal Account

This year, all families must log in to Campus Portal to verify (or update) student and household information, update emergency contact information, update medical information, and complete back to school forms. This process is known as Annual Student Verification.

If you do not have access to Campus Portal, set up your account here

If you already have access, sign in to Campus Portal and click on the Annual Student Verification link in the announcements section on the upper right hand side of the page.


Health Support

At-home mental health services (Hazel)

Baltimore City Public Schools partners with Hazel Health to provide virtual mental health support to students free of cost.

Learn more here:


Internet - Enoch Pratt Mobile Hotspots

Mobile hotspots are available to borrow from the Pratt Library, allowing you to connect to your devices with access to free Wi-Fi and unlimited data. The devices can be picked up and returned at any Library location.

Mobile hotspots are limited to one device per account. There is a 12-week loan period, and they may be auto-renewed up to three times if there are no holds.

Learn more!