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Erica Heflin
Assistant Principal
Sherri Jenkins
Sherrie Norwitz
Teacher - Elementary
Michelle Pribula
Math Coach 10 month
Emmett Parham
Custodial Worker II
Jesika Paige
Teacher - Elementary
Danielle Long
Literacy Coach - 12mth
Audrey Morris
Assistant - Special Education
Zenobia McKinley
Teacher - Pre-K
Tanya Mc Fadden
Social Worker
Tonia Stewart
Manager I - Cafeteria
Sarah Lee
IEP Team Associate
Danielle Davis
Nicole Hankerson
Teacher - Secondary
Barbara Townes
Paraeducator - Pre K
Kevin Tracey
Teacher - Secondary
Joel Itotia
Teacher - Elementary
Robert Shuman
Teacher - Elementary
Aaron Scott
Student Wholeness Specialist
Candace McCall
Teacher - Special Education