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Clyde Boatwright
School Police Corporal
Tawney Manning
Manager - School Operations Support
Timothy Kelly
School Police Sergeant
Cheryl Paules
Teacher - Substitute Emergency
Tara Seaton
Staff Associate - Athletics
Christine Bradshaw
Senior Project Manager
Ennis Braxton
School Police Officer II
Tangela Smith
Radio Dispatcher
Robert Griggs
Systems Administrator IV
Miguel-Rikki Vincent
Educational Specialist II - Middle School Athletics
Cheryl Bird
Analyst - Financial
Mike Smith
Manager - IT Learning Mgmt Support Systems
Daryll Wharton
Educational Specialist II - IEP Creation & Compliance
Vincent Shelton
Systems Administrator IV
Christine Lucas
Social Worker
Harvey Hill
Operator I - Vehicle Equipment
Queen Callis
Teacher - Substitute Emergency
Thomas Stephens
Teacher - Substitute Emergency
Mary Robinson
Teacher - Substitute Emergency
Margie Wilson Tates
Teacher - Substitute Emergency