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Jackie Watson
Teacher - Substitute Emergency
Gloria Thompson
Temporary Professional IV
Thomas Jeffers
Grounds Worker
Dawn McDaniels
Special Education Liaison
Annette Boone
Teacher - Special Education
Tonya Carter
Academic Content Liaison - Literacy
Dckus Kus
Building Maintenance Worker II
Lynette Gillis
Aide - School Bus
Kevin Anderson
School Police Officer II
Juanita Johnson
Special Education Paraeducator
Carolyn Taylor
Teacher - Substitute Emergency
Denise Mabry
Executive Director - Special Education & Student Support Services
Paula Bradley
Custodial Worker II
Angela Thompson
Assistant III - Accounting
Linnese Crawford
Manager - Regional Cafeteria 12M
Stephen Arvinger
School Police Sergeant
Lillie Moore
Custodial Worker II
Cubby Owens
Supervisor - Area Facilities
Pauline Linthicum
Teacher - Substitute Emergency
Lori Hines
Director - Student Conduct & Attendance