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Brooke Korch
Coordinator - Academic Fiscal Operations
Melloney Floyd
Aide - School Bus
Katrina Merrick
School Police Corporal
Joe Watson
Technician III - HVAC
Alex Jones
Susan Wheeler
ILED - Elem/Middle School
Ayanna Jenkins
Manager - Food & Nutrition/Strategy and Systems
Charelle James
Teacher Associate - Joint Governing Panel
Darnell Sneed
Teacher - Substitute Emergency
Nikia Carter
Senior Principal Coach
Kenya Campbell
Educational Associate/12mth
Lisa Johnson
Manager - Regional Cafeteria 12M
Danaena White
School Police Lieutenant
Lena Polite
Teacher - Special Education
John Neubauer
Coordinator - World and Classical Languages
Linda Kuhn
Teacher - Substitute Emergency
Alphonso Small
School Police Lieutenant
Joanne Stasik
Special Education Liaison
Gloria Norman
Teacher - Substitute Emergency
Ernestine Holley
Educational Specialist II - Discipline