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Olivia Smith
Valerie Stamper
Academic Content Liaison - Mathematics
David Jackson
Teacher - Substitute Emergency
Karl Perry
Darryl Johnson
School Police Officer II
Deborah Gray
Associate - Shared Services
Virginia Hawkins
Janet Mudd
Systems Analyst III - Learning Management Support
Katrina Williams Shelton
Temporary Professional III
Keith Parker
Storekeeper II
Jeannette Taylor
Teacher - Substitute Emergency
Rebecca Lee
Coordinator - Related Services
Donnette Cole
Manager III - Cafeteria
Derrick Thomas
Grounds Worker
Anthony Stokes
School Police Officer II
Milton Garnes
Coordinator - Non Public
Jaki Winchester
Analyst - Grants Management
Priscilla Smothers Johnson
Staff Associate - Enrollment, Choice & Transfers
Diana Artis
Customer Support Specialist I
Valerie Phillips
Educational Associate/12mth