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Shanieka Herndon
Coordinator - Secondary Support & Transition
Nicholas Smith Rengarts
Academic Content Liaison - Literacy
Christina Burton
Kelly Hope
Educational Associate/12mth
Shawnta Jones
Manager III - Cafeteria
Dominick Bivens
Staff Associate - Enrollment, Choice & Transfers
Ericka Levy
Educational Specialist II - Low Incidence Supports
Rebecca Sponseller
Educational Associate 12 month - ESOL
Claudia Easton
Educational Associate 12 month - ESOL
Donna Lowe Tolson
Teacher - Substitute Emergency
Roxanna Brooks
Teacher - Substitute Emergency
Charles Brooks
Educational Specialist II - Special Education Supports
Nakia Thomas
Manager - Regional Cafeteria 12M
Karen Sellers
Teacher - Substitute Emergency
Lolita Porter Starks
Aide - School Bus 12 month
Celia Liveringhouse
Educational Associate 10 mth - Title I ESOL
Evelyn Jefferson
Administrator - Employee Benefits
Lee Rosenbaum
Staff Specialist - Related Services
Sheteya Dorsey
School Police Corporal
Marilyn Riddick
Supervisor - Support Services