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Eleanor Boah
Teacher - Substitute Emergency
Sherman Barksdale
Coordinator - Student Wholeness
Stephanie Rich
Customer Support Specialist IV
Willie Brown
Temporary Professional III
Joseph Able
School Police Sergeant
Shirlene Worrell
Teacher - Substitute Emergency
Sandra Winkler
Teacher - Substitute Emergency
Lakisha Jones
21st Century Associate
Tonia Watties
Teacher - Substitute Emergency
Wanda Quick
Teacher - Substitute Emergency
Billy Gladden
Lead Technician - Grounds
James Padden
Coordinator - Related Services
Ronda Welsh
Coordinator - Extended Learning
Larisa Gryczko Avellaneda
Educational Associate 12 month - ESOL
Brooke Hermanson
Teacher - Substitute Emergency
Krishnia Moua
Educational Specialist II - Accelerated Learning & Tutoring
Valerie Brown
Aide - School Bus
Samuel Rather
Director - Equity-Centered Principal Development
Mary Clark
Teacher - Substitute Emergency
Tondalaya Johnson
Manager - Benefits