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Douglas Sutherland
Technician II - HVAC
Benjamin Jones
Lead Technician - Grounds
Terry Abrams
Teacher - Substitute Emergency
Kate Marievie Cabahug
Educational Associate 12 mth - 504
Tasha Merritte
Director - Operations
Katrina Arrington
Specialist - Food & Nutrition
Sandella Anderson
Assistant - Department
Blaine Lipski
Director - Logistics and Environmental Health
Vilma Bethea
Educational Specialist II - IEP Creation & Compliance
Lexann Lann
Aide - School Bus
Robert Scott
Special Education Paraeducator
Stephen Church
School Police Officer II
Deborah Torres
Assistant II - Accounting
WIlliam Collins
Lead Technician - Custodial
Patricia Roberts Rose
Coordinator - School Social Work
Albert Berry
Driver - Motor Vehicle
Persephone Meacham
Educational Associate 12 mth - Early Learning
Corey Bryant
Operator II - Heavy Equipment
Joseph Crespo
Teacher - Special Education
Tessa Jones
Supervisor - Custodial Services