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Robin Erhardt
Community School Site Specialist
Tenia Jones
School Police Officer II
Katie Vaselkiv
Coordinating Teacher - Judy Center
Marie Jean
Marc La Veau
Family Engagement Specialist
Rashad West
Specialist - Food & Nutrition
Daniele Duffy
Umekca Horsey
Business Manager
Mona Khajawi
Program Evaluator II - Strategy and Compliance
Sean Hall
Data Specialist (School Achievement)
Zaharah Valentine
Director - Secondary School Support
Leslie Green
Teacher - Substitute Emergency
Ricky Stinson
Speech Pathologist
Alison Perkins-Cohen
Chief of Staff
Kelsey Ivy
Noelle Stills
Teacher - Substitute Emergency
Ashley DeVaughn
Manager - Diversion
Sandra Lewis
Aide - School Bus
Luanda Johnson
Coordinator - School Social Work
Michael Errion