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Mark Anthony Montgomery
Teacher - Substitute Emergency
Seun Joshua
Architect/Engineer II - FPM
Ed Wilson
Data Analyst - Special Education
Laurie Sutton
Director - Summer & Expanded Learning
Katie Hauser
Educational Associate 12 mth - Early Learning
Shantrice Smith
Manager - Regional Cafeteria 12M
Elizabeth Marchetta
Executive Director - Food and Nutrition Services
Anders Alicea
Educational Specialist II - Attendance
Antonio Dickey
Lead Technician - Facilties
Alice Gregg
Teacher - Special Education
Alan Shapiro
Temporary Support III
Isa Winder
Employee Engagement Associate
Ramsey Mihavetz
Educational Associate/10mth
Towanda Williams
Teacher - Substitute Emergency
Michael Haugh
Program Evaluator II - Research Services
James Patterson
Systems Administrator IV
Brooke Shird
Temporary Professional III
Krishna Miller
Specialist - Assessment (K-8)
Stephen Perry
Teacher - Substitute Emergency
Roger Hughes
Community School Site Specialist