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Briell McCoy
Temporary Professional II
Keisha Wizzart
Carlita Tate
Teacher - Substitute Emergency
Stanyah Watson
Manager - Regional Cafeteria 12M
Danielle Byerson
Educational Specialist II - SEEI
Samantha Watkins
Specialist - Benefits
Esther Gencheva
Educational Specialist II - Gifted and Advanced Learning
Jazmine Rhone
Academic Content Liaison - Literacy
Meagan Bollard
Educational Associate 12 mth - 504
Braxton Street
Staff Specialist - Title I
Blair Meek
Educational Specialist II - MTSS
Fareeha Waheed
Educational Associate - Organizational Development
Teresa Pearl
Teacher - Special Education
Joy Guthrie
Coordinator - Literacy Coaching
Maggie Warren
Coordinating Teacher - Judy Center
Leticia Benavides
Specialist - ESOL Family Engagement
Laura Grubb
Kyle Johnson
Cori Porter
Speech Pathologist
Jo-Anne Putch