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Catherine Krumrine
Matthew Cottle
Coordinator - Literacy Coaching
Chelsea Pajardo
Community Schools Specialist (CSS)
Samantha Sines
Patricia Graff
Senior Buyer
John Holt
Teacher - Substitute Emergency
Bruce Stahl
Educational Specialist II - IEP Creation & Compliance
Megan Miskowski
Educational Associate 12mth - Related Services
Fred Gaddy
Community School Site Specialist
Regina Schmidt
Dana Rodriguez Leiva
Educational Associate 10 mth - Title I ESOL
Chalae Parham
Teacher - Substitute Emergency
Cheryl Chang
Teacher - Special Education
Sidney Thomas
Damon Turner
Technician - Routing and Scheduling
Pam Zelando
Academic Content Liaison - Mathematics
George Van Hook
Teacher - Substitute Emergency
Nancy Gonzalez
Educational Associate 10 mth - Title I ESOL
Sarah Kennedy
Teacher - Substitute Emergency
Kim Williams
Talent Manager