canrival slide

Greetings AG Families!

We are sprinting to the end of the year and wanted to make sure we're all working together to make the most of it!

1) Attendance matters every day! School ends on the 13th at 11:45am. Please make sure your student is coming to school year day!

2) There are A LOT of great celebrations taking place! Make sure to check out the AG calendar on the main page to see what's happening!

3) All students need to clean out their lockers before 11:45 on the 13th!

4) Grades are being updated all week! Check Infinite Campus to see how your student is doing!

5) Final assessments have been completed - send a message on Class Dojo to your teachers to see about your student's reading and math progress!

Happy Almost Summer! We've had an incredible year together!