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Hannah Soper
Teacher - Elementary
Claudia Jacob
Teacher - Elementary
Marie Krull
Special Education Paraeducator
Kameryn Stovall
Teacher - Pre-K
Richard Fleurimond
Food Services Worker I/6 hrs
Elizabeth Smith
Speech Pathologist
Joseph Xavier Pili
SS Teacher - Extended School Year - Elementary
Monique Sanders
Special Education Paraeducator
Emry Pillow
Teacher - Elementary
Carmencita Inola
Teacher - Special Education
Shonte Stansbury
Food Services Worker I/6 hrs
Sallie Patterson Miller
Holly Powell
Social Worker
Ashley Archer
Teacher - Elementary
Brittany McCluney
Teacher - Elementary
Kailyn Kirby
Kori Leach
Community School Site Specialist
Tiana Thomas
Teacher - Special Education
Shelton Johnson
Special Education Paraeducator
Cache Waters
Special Education Paraeducator