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Kristy Lewis
Teacher - Elementary
Dathan Evans
Custodial Worker I/3.5 hrs
Kayla Mack
Assistant Principal
Julia Ross
Teacher - Elementary
Marie Leveille
Sarita Sullivan
Teacher - Special Education
Kiara Stubbs
Teacher - Elementary
Melissa Gilliam
Teacher - Elementary
Kristanya Wruck
Teacher - Special Education
Durieka Campbell
IEP Team Associate
Lynn Walker
SS Cafeteria Management
Michele Caldwell
Physical Therapist
Melissa Fitzgerald
Customer Support Specialist III-Judy Center
Ma Althea Guiao
Teacher - Pre-K
Sarah Barber
Occupational Therapist
Brandon Kanion
Lorraine Richardson
Principal Resident
Dino Zamora
Teacher - Special Education
Ryan Lopez
Teacher - Special Education
Kellye Gill
Library Media Specialist