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Keara Gordon
Special Education Paraeducator
Julian Davis
Student Wholeness Specialist
Joel Turner Rodgers
Teacher - Vocational
Aime Mabelo
Teacher - Secondary
Hannah Seipert
Teacher - Secondary
Cheyanne McGuigan
Teacher - Secondary
Jennifer Hubbard
Teacher - Vocational
Kenneth Briggs
Teacher - Special Education
Katrina Armwood
Community School Site Specialist
Alvin Booze
Teacher - Vocational
Patricia Houston
Teacher - Special Education
Charles Fleet
Teacher - Vocational
Roy Caster
Teacher - Vocational
Tayler Williams
SS IEP Team Associate
Antonio McCree
Teacher - Secondary
Michelle Tucker
Social Worker
First Sergeant Hatcher
Instructor - Army JROTC
Eric Manns
Staff Specialist - Post Secondary Advising
Ronald Grant
Food Services Worker I/8 hrs
Maurice Williams
Teacher - Vocational